'Amazon Web Services' Database Services
Returns information about Aurora global database clusters
Describe one or more zero-ETL integrations with Amazon Redshift
Returns information about reserved DB instances for this account, or a...
Returns a list of the source Amazon Web Services Regions where the cur...
Describes the tenant databases in a DB instance that uses the multi-te...
You can call DescribeValidDBInstanceModifications to learn what modifi...
Disables the HTTP endpoint for the specified DB cluster
Downloads all or a portion of the specified log file, up to 1 MB in si...
Enables the HTTP endpoint for the DB cluster
Forces a failover for a DB cluster
Promotes the specified secondary DB cluster to be the primary DB clust...
Lists all tags on an Amazon RDS resource
Creates a DAX cluster
Creates a new parameter group
Creates a new subnet group
Removes one or more nodes from a DAX cluster
Deletes a previously provisioned DAX cluster
Deletes the specified parameter group
Deletes a subnet group
Returns information about all provisioned DAX clusters if no cluster i...
Returns the default system parameter information for the DAX caching s...
Returns events related to DAX clusters and parameter groups
Returns a list of parameter group descriptions
Returns the detailed parameter list for a particular parameter group
Returns a list of subnet group descriptions
Adds one or more nodes to a DAX cluster
List all of the tags for a DAX cluster
Reboots a single node of a DAX cluster
Associates a set of tags with a DAX resource
Removes the association of tags from a DAX resource
Modifies the settings for a DAX cluster
Modifies the parameters of a parameter group
Modifies an existing subnet group
Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX)
Adds a source identifier to an existing event notification subscriptio...
Adds metadata tags to an Amazon DocumentDB resource
Applies a pending maintenance action to a resource (for example, to an...
Copies the specified cluster parameter group
Copies a snapshot of a cluster
Creates a new cluster parameter group
Creates a snapshot of a cluster
Creates a new Amazon DocumentDB cluster
Creates a new instance
Creates a new subnet group
Creates an Amazon DocumentDB event notification subscription
Creates an Amazon DocumentDB global cluster that can span multiple mul...
Deletes a specified cluster parameter group
Deletes a cluster snapshot
Deletes a previously provisioned cluster
Deletes a previously provisioned instance
Deletes a subnet group
Deletes an Amazon DocumentDB event notification subscription
Deletes a global cluster
Returns a list of certificate authority (CA) certificates provided by ...
Changes the audit policy state of a database activity stream to either...
Returns a list of DBClusterParameterGroup descriptions
Returns the detailed parameter list for a particular cluster parameter...
Returns a list of cluster snapshot attribute names and values for a ma...
Returns information about cluster snapshots
Returns information about provisioned Amazon DocumentDB clusters
Returns a list of the available engines
Returns information about provisioned Amazon DocumentDB instances
Returns a list of DBSubnetGroup descriptions
Returns the default engine and system parameter information for the cl...
Displays a list of categories for all event source types, or, if speci...
Lists all the subscription descriptions for a customer account
Override the system-default Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Secur...
Returns events related to instances, security groups, snapshots, and D...
Returns information about Amazon DocumentDB global clusters
Returns a list of orderable instance options for the specified engine
Returns a list of resources (for example, instances) that have at leas...
Forces a failover for a cluster
Promotes the specified secondary DB cluster to be the primary DB clust...
Lists all tags on an Amazon DocumentDB resource
Modifies the parameters of a cluster parameter group
Adds an attribute and values to, or removes an attribute and values fr...
Modifies a setting for an Amazon DocumentDB cluster
Modifies settings for an instance
Modifies an existing subnet group
Modifies an existing Amazon DocumentDB event notification subscription
Modify a setting for an Amazon DocumentDB global cluster
You might need to reboot your instance, usually for maintenance reason...
Detaches an Amazon DocumentDB secondary cluster from a global cluster
Removes a source identifier from an existing Amazon DocumentDB event n...
Removes metadata tags from an Amazon DocumentDB resource
Modifies the parameters of a cluster parameter group to the default va...
Creates a new cluster from a snapshot or cluster snapshot
Restores a cluster to an arbitrary point in time
Restarts the stopped cluster that is specified by DBClusterIdentifier
Stops the running cluster that is specified by DBClusterIdentifier
Switches over the specified secondary Amazon DocumentDB cluster to be ...
Amazon DocumentDB with MongoDB compatibility
Copies a snapshot of an elastic cluster
Creates a snapshot of an elastic cluster
Creates a new Amazon DocumentDB elastic cluster and returns its cluste...
Delete an elastic cluster snapshot
Delete an elastic cluster
Returns information about a specific elastic cluster snapshot
Returns information about a specific elastic cluster
Returns information about snapshots for a specified elastic cluster
Returns information about provisioned Amazon DocumentDB elastic cluste...
Lists all tags on a elastic cluster resource
Restores an elastic cluster from a snapshot
Restarts the stopped elastic cluster that is specified by clusterARN
Stops the running elastic cluster that is specified by clusterArn
Adds metadata tags to an elastic cluster resource
Removes metadata tags from an elastic cluster resource
Modifies an elastic cluster
Amazon DocumentDB Elastic Clusters
This operation allows you to perform batch reads or writes on data sto...
The BatchGetItem operation returns the attributes of one or more items...
The BatchWriteItem operation puts or deletes multiple items in one or ...
Creates a backup for an existing table
Creates a global table from an existing table
The CreateTable operation adds a new table to your account
Deletes an existing backup of a table
Deletes a single item in a table by primary key
Deletes the resource-based policy attached to the resource, which can ...
The DeleteTable operation deletes a table and all of its items
Describes an existing backup of a table
Checks the status of continuous backups and point in time recovery on ...
Returns information about contributor insights for a given table or gl...
Returns the regional endpoint information
Describes an existing table export
Describes Region-specific settings for a global table
Returns information about the specified global table
Represents the properties of the import
Returns information about the status of Kinesis streaming
Returns the current provisioned-capacity quotas for your Amazon Web Se...
Describes auto scaling settings across replicas of the global table at...
Returns information about the table, including the current status of t...
Gives a description of the Time to Live (TTL) status on the specified ...
Stops replication from the DynamoDB table to the Kinesis data stream
Starts table data replication to the specified Kinesis data stream at ...
This operation allows you to perform reads and singleton writes on dat...
This operation allows you to perform transactional reads or writes on ...
Exports table data to an S3 bucket
The GetItem operation returns a set of attributes for the item with th...
Returns the resource-based policy document attached to the resource, w...
Imports table data from an S3 bucket
List DynamoDB backups that are associated with an Amazon Web Services ...
Returns a list of ContributorInsightsSummary for a table and all its g...
Lists completed exports within the past 90 days
Lists all global tables that have a replica in the specified Region
Lists completed imports within the past 90 days
Returns an array of table names associated with the current account an...
List all tags on an Amazon DynamoDB resource
Creates a new item, or replaces an old item with a new item
Attaches a resource-based policy document to the resource, which can b...
You must provide the name of the partition key attribute and a single ...
Creates a new table from an existing backup
Restores the specified table to the specified point in time within Ear...
The Scan operation returns one or more items and item attributes by ac...
Associate a set of tags with an Amazon DynamoDB resource
TransactGetItems is a synchronous operation that atomically retrieves ...
TransactWriteItems is a synchronous write operation that groups up to ...
Removes the association of tags from an Amazon DynamoDB resource
UpdateContinuousBackups enables or disables point in time recovery for...
Updates the status for contributor insights for a specific table or in...
Updates settings for a global table
Adds or removes replicas in the specified global table
Edits an existing item's attributes, or adds a new item to the table i...
The command to update the Kinesis stream destination
Updates auto scaling settings on your global tables at once
Modifies the provisioned throughput settings, global secondary indexes...
The UpdateTimeToLive method enables or disables Time to Live (TTL) for...
Amazon DynamoDB
Returns information about a stream, including the current status of th...
Retrieves the stream records from a given shard
Returns a shard iterator
Returns an array of stream ARNs associated with the current account an...
Amazon DynamoDB Streams
Set the capacity of an Aurora Serverless v1 DB cluster to a specific v...
A tag is a key-value pair where the key and value are case-sensitive
Allows network ingress to a cache security group
Apply the service update
Stop the service update
Complete the migration of data
Creates a copy of an existing serverless cache’s snapshot
Makes a copy of an existing snapshot
Creates a cluster
Creates a new Amazon ElastiCache cache parameter group
Creates a new cache security group
Creates a new cache subnet group
Global Datastore for Redis OSS offers fully managed, fast, reliable an...
Creates a Redis OSS (cluster mode disabled) or a Redis OSS (cluster mo...
This API creates a copy of an entire ServerlessCache at a specific mom...
Creates a serverless cache
Creates a copy of an entire cluster or replication group at a specific...
For Redis OSS engine version 6
For Redis OSS engine version 6
Decreases the number of node groups in a Global datastore
Dynamically decreases the number of replicas in a Redis OSS (cluster m...
Deletes a previously provisioned cluster
Deletes the specified cache parameter group
Deletes a cache security group
Deletes a cache subnet group
Deleting a Global datastore is a two-step process:
Deletes an existing replication group
Deletes an existing serverless cache snapshot
Deletes a specified existing serverless cache
Deletes an existing snapshot
For Redis OSS engine version 6
For Redis OSS engine version 6
Returns information about all provisioned clusters if no cluster ident...
Returns a list of the available cache engines and their versions
Returns a list of cache parameter group descriptions
Returns the detailed parameter list for a particular cache parameter g...
Returns a list of cache security group descriptions
Returns a list of cache subnet group descriptions
Returns the default engine and system parameter information for the sp...
Returns events related to clusters, cache security groups, and cache p...
Returns information about a particular global replication group
Returns information about a particular replication group
Lists available reserved cache node offerings
Returns information about reserved cache nodes for this account, or ab...
Returns information about serverless cache snapshots
Returns information about a specific serverless cache
Returns details of the service updates
Returns information about cluster or replication group snapshots
Returns details of the update actions
Returns a list of user groups
Returns a list of users
Remove a secondary cluster from the Global datastore using the Global ...
Provides the functionality to export the serverless cache snapshot dat...
Used to failover the primary region to a secondary region
Increase the number of node groups in the Global datastore
Dynamically increases the number of replicas in a Redis OSS (cluster m...
Lists all available node types that you can scale your Redis OSS clust...
Lists all tags currently on a named resource
Modifies the settings for a cluster
Modifies the parameters of a cache parameter group
Modifies an existing cache subnet group
Modifies the settings for a Global datastore
Modifies a replication group's shards (node groups) by allowing you to...
Modifies the settings for a replication group
This API modifies the attributes of a serverless cache
Changes the list of users that belong to the user group
Changes user password(s) and/or access string
Allows you to purchase a reserved cache node offering
Redistribute slots to ensure uniform distribution across existing shar...
Reboots some, or all, of the cache nodes within a provisioned cluster
Removes the tags identified by the TagKeys list from the named resourc...
Modifies the parameters of a cache parameter group to the engine or sy...
Revokes ingress from a cache security group
Start the migration of data
Represents the input of a TestFailover operation which tests automatic...
Async API to test connection between source and target replication gro...
Amazon ElastiCache
The CreateKeyspace operation adds a new keyspace to your account
The CreateTable operation adds a new table to the specified keyspace
The DeleteKeyspace operation deletes a keyspace and all of its tables
The DeleteTable operation deletes a table and all of its data
Returns the name and the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the specified t...
Returns auto scaling related settings of the specified table in JSON f...
Returns information about the table, including the table's name and cu...
Returns a list of keyspaces
Returns a list of tables for a specified keyspace
Returns a list of all tags associated with the specified Amazon Keyspa...
Restores the table to the specified point in time within the earliest_...
Associates a set of tags with a Amazon Keyspaces resource
Removes the association of tags from a Amazon Keyspaces resource
Adds new columns to the table or updates one of the table's settings, ...
Amazon Keyspaces
Attaches one or more LF-tags to an existing resource
Allows a caller to assume an IAM role decorated as the SAML user speci...
Batch operation to grant permissions to the principal
Batch operation to revoke permissions from the principal
Attempts to cancel the specified transaction
Attempts to commit the specified transaction
Creates a data cell filter to allow one to grant access to certain col...
Creates an IAM Identity Center connection with Lake Formation to allow...
Enforce Lake Formation permissions for the given databases, tables, an...
Creates an LF-tag with the specified name and values
Deletes a data cell filter
Deletes an IAM Identity Center connection with Lake Formation
Remove the Lake Formation permissions enforcement of the given databas...
Deletes the specified LF-tag given a key name
For a specific governed table, provides a list of Amazon S3 objects th...
Deregisters the resource as managed by the Data Catalog
Retrieves the instance ARN and application ARN for the connection
Retrieves the current data access role for the given resource register...
Returns the details of a single transaction
Indicates to the service that the specified transaction is still activ...
Returns a data cells filter
Returns the identity of the invoking principal
Retrieves the list of the data lake administrators of a Lake Formation...
Returns the Lake Formation permissions for a specified table or databa...
Returns an LF-tag definition
Returns the state of a query previously submitted
Retrieves statistics on the planning and execution of a query
Returns the LF-tags applied to a resource
Returns the set of Amazon S3 objects that make up the specified govern...
This API is identical to GetTemporaryTableCredentials except that this...
Allows a caller in a secure environment to assume a role with permissi...
Returns the work units resulting from the query
Retrieves the work units generated by the StartQueryPlanning operation
Grants permissions to the principal to access metadata in the Data Cat...
Lists all the data cell filters on a table
Retrieve the current list of resources and principals that are opt in ...
Lists LF-tags that the requester has permission to view
Returns a list of the principal permissions on the resource, filtered ...
Lists the resources registered to be managed by the Data Catalog
Returns the configuration of all storage optimizers associated with a ...
Modifies the status of a custom engine version (CEV)
Returns metadata about transactions and their status
Modifies the properties of an endpoint in an Amazon Aurora DB cluster
Sets the list of data lake administrators who have admin privileges on...
Registers the resource as managed by the Data Catalog
Removes an LF-tag from the resource
Revokes permissions to the principal to access metadata in the Data Ca...
This operation allows a search on DATABASE resources by TagCondition
This operation allows a search on TABLE resources by LFTags
Submits a request to process a query statement
Starts a new transaction and returns its transaction ID
Updates a data cell filter
Updates the IAM Identity Center connection parameters
Updates the list of possible values for the specified LF-tag key
Updates the data access role used for vending access to the given (reg...
Updates the manifest of Amazon S3 objects that make up the specified g...
Updates the configuration of the storage optimizers for a table
AWS Lake Formation
Apply the service update to a list of clusters supplied
Makes a copy of an existing snapshot
Creates an Access Control List
Creates a cluster
Creates a new MemoryDB parameter group
Creates a copy of an entire cluster at a specific moment in time
Creates a subnet group
Creates a MemoryDB user
Deletes an Access Control List
Deletes a cluster
Deletes the specified parameter group
Deletes an existing snapshot
Deletes a subnet group
Deletes a user
Returns a list of ACLs
Returns information about all provisioned clusters if no cluster ident...
Returns a list of the available Redis OSS engine versions
Returns events related to clusters, security groups, and parameter gro...
Returns a list of parameter group descriptions
Returns the detailed parameter list for a particular parameter group
Lists available reserved node offerings
Returns information about reserved nodes for this account, or about a ...
Returns details of the service updates
Returns information about cluster snapshots
Returns a list of subnet group descriptions
Returns a list of users
Used to failover a shard
Lists all available node types that you can scale to from your cluster...
Lists all tags currently on a named resource
Allows you to purchase a reserved node offering
Modifies the parameters of a parameter group to the engine or system d...
A tag is a key-value pair where the key and value are case-sensitive
Use this operation to remove tags on a resource
Changes the list of users that belong to the Access Control List
Modifies the settings for a cluster
Updates the parameters of a parameter group
Updates a subnet group
Changes user password(s) and/or access string
Amazon MemoryDB
Associates an Identity and Access Management (IAM) role with an Neptun...
Adds a source identifier to an existing event notification subscriptio...
Adds metadata tags to an Amazon Neptune resource
Applies a pending maintenance action to a resource (for example, to a ...
Copies the specified DB cluster parameter group
Copies a snapshot of a DB cluster
Copies the specified DB parameter group
Creates a new custom endpoint and associates it with an Amazon Neptune...
Creates a new DB cluster parameter group
Creates a snapshot of a DB cluster
Creates a new Amazon Neptune DB cluster
Creates a new DB instance
Creates a new DB parameter group
Creates a new DB subnet group
Creates an event notification subscription
Creates a Neptune global database spread across multiple Amazon Region...
Deletes a custom endpoint and removes it from an Amazon Neptune DB clu...
Deletes a specified DB cluster parameter group
Deletes a DB cluster snapshot
The DeleteDBCluster action deletes a previously provisioned DB cluster
The DeleteDBInstance action deletes a previously provisioned DB instan...
Deletes a specified DBParameterGroup
Deletes a DB subnet group
Deletes an event notification subscription
Deletes a global database
Returns information about endpoints for an Amazon Neptune DB cluster
Returns a list of DBClusterParameterGroup descriptions
Returns the detailed parameter list for a particular DB cluster parame...
Returns a list of DB cluster snapshot attribute names and values for a...
Returns information about DB cluster snapshots
Returns information about provisioned DB clusters, and supports pagina...
Returns a list of the available DB engines
Returns information about provisioned instances, and supports paginati...
Returns a list of DBParameterGroup descriptions
Returns the detailed parameter list for a particular DB parameter grou...
Returns a list of DBSubnetGroup descriptions
Returns the default engine and system parameter information for the cl...
Returns the default engine and system parameter information for the sp...
Displays a list of categories for all event source types, or, if speci...
Lists all the subscription descriptions for a customer account
Returns events related to DB instances, DB security groups, DB snapsho...
Returns information about Neptune global database clusters
Returns a list of orderable DB instance options for the specified engi...
Returns a list of resources (for example, DB instances) that have at l...
You can call DescribeValidDBInstanceModifications to learn what modifi...
Forces a failover for a DB cluster
Initiates the failover process for a Neptune global database
Lists all tags on an Amazon Neptune resource
Modifies the properties of an endpoint in an Amazon Neptune DB cluster
Modifies the parameters of a DB cluster parameter group
Adds an attribute and values to, or removes an attribute and values fr...
Modify a setting for a DB cluster
Modifies settings for a DB instance
Modifies the parameters of a DB parameter group
Modifies an existing DB subnet group
Modifies an existing event notification subscription
Modify a setting for an Amazon Neptune global cluster
Not supported
You might need to reboot your DB instance, usually for maintenance rea...
Detaches a Neptune DB cluster from a Neptune global database
Disassociates an Identity and Access Management (IAM) role from a DB c...
Removes a source identifier from an existing event notification subscr...
Removes metadata tags from an Amazon Neptune resource
Modifies the parameters of a DB cluster parameter group to the default...
Modifies the parameters of a DB parameter group to the engine/system d...
Creates a new DB cluster from a DB snapshot or DB cluster snapshot
Restores a DB cluster to an arbitrary point in time
Starts an Amazon Neptune DB cluster that was stopped using the Amazon ...
Stops an Amazon Neptune DB cluster
Amazon Neptune
Cancels a Gremlin query
Cancels a specified load job
Cancels a Neptune ML data processing job
Cancels a Neptune ML model training job
Cancels a specified model transform job
Cancels a specified openCypher query
Creates a new Neptune ML inference endpoint that lets you query one sp...
Cancels the creation of a Neptune ML inference endpoint
Deletes statistics for Gremlin and openCypher (property graph) data
Deletes SPARQL statistics
The fast reset REST API lets you reset a Neptune graph quicky and easi...
Executes a Gremlin Explain query
Executes a Gremlin Profile query, which runs a specified traversal, co...
This commands executes a Gremlin query
Executes an openCypher explain request
Executes an openCypher query
Retrieves the status of the graph database on the host
Gets the status of a specified Gremlin query
Gets status information about a specified load job
Retrieves information about a specified data processing job
Retrieves details about an inference endpoint
Retrieves information about a Neptune ML model training job
Gets information about a specified model transform job
Retrieves the status of a specified openCypher query
Gets property graph statistics (Gremlin and openCypher)
Gets a stream for a property graph
Gets a graph summary for a property graph
Gets a graph summary for an RDF graph
Gets RDF statistics (SPARQL)
Gets a stream for an RDF graph
Lists active Gremlin queries
Retrieves a list of the loadIds for all active loader jobs
Returns a list of Neptune ML data processing jobs
Lists existing inference endpoints
Lists Neptune ML model-training jobs
Returns a list of model transform job IDs
Lists active openCypher queries
Manages the generation and use of property graph statistics
Manages the generation and use of RDF graph statistics
Starts a Neptune bulk loader job to load data from an Amazon S3 bucket...
Creates a new Neptune ML data processing job for processing the graph ...
Creates a new Neptune ML model training job
Creates a new model transform job
Amazon NeptuneData
Ends a given Amazon QLDB journal stream
Creates a new ledger in your Amazon Web Services account in the curren...
Deletes a ledger and all of its contents
Returns detailed information about a given Amazon QLDB journal stream
Returns information about a journal export job, including the ledger n...
Returns information about a ledger, including its state, permissions m...
Exports journal contents within a date and time range from a ledger in...
Returns a block object at a specified address in a journal
Returns the digest of a ledger at the latest committed block in the jo...
Returns a revision data object for a specified document ID and block a...
Returns all Amazon QLDB journal streams for a given ledger
Returns all journal export jobs for a specified ledger
Returns all journal export jobs for all ledgers that are associated wi...
Returns all ledgers that are associated with the current Amazon Web Se...
Returns all tags for a specified Amazon QLDB resource
Creates a journal stream for a given Amazon QLDB ledger
Adds one or more tags to a specified Amazon QLDB resource
Removes one or more tags from a specified Amazon QLDB resource
Updates the permissions mode of a ledger
Updates properties on a ledger
Amazon QLDB
Sends a command to an Amazon QLDB ledger
Amazon QLDB Session
Associates an Identity and Access Management (IAM) role with a DB clus...
Associates an Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (IAM)...
Adds a source identifier to an existing RDS event notification subscri...
Adds metadata tags to an Amazon RDS resource
Applies a pending maintenance action to a resource (for example, to a ...
Enables ingress to a DBSecurityGroup using one of two forms of authori...
Backtracks a DB cluster to a specific time, without creating a new DB ...
Return an authentication token for a database connection
Cancels an export task in progress that is exporting a snapshot or clu...
Copies the specified DB cluster parameter group
Copies a snapshot of a DB cluster
Copies the specified DB parameter group
Copies the specified DB snapshot
Copies the specified option group
Creates a blue/green deployment
Creates a custom DB engine version (CEV)
Creates a new custom endpoint and associates it with an Amazon Aurora ...
Creates a new DB cluster parameter group
Creates a snapshot of a DB cluster
Creates a new Amazon Aurora DB cluster or Multi-AZ DB cluster
Creates a new DB instance that acts as a read replica for an existing ...
Creates a new DB instance
Creates a new DB parameter group
Creates a DBProxyEndpoint
Creates a new DB proxy
Creates a new DB security group
Creates a new DB shard group for Aurora Limitless Database
Creates a snapshot of a DB instance
Creates a new DB subnet group
Creates an RDS event notification subscription
Creates an Aurora global database spread across multiple Amazon Web Se...
Creates a zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift
Creates a new option group
Creates a tenant database in a DB instance that uses the multi-tenant ...
Deletes a blue/green deployment
Deletes a custom engine version
Deletes automated backups using the DbClusterResourceId value of the s...
Deletes a custom endpoint and removes it from an Amazon Aurora DB clus...
Deletes a specified DB cluster parameter group
Deletes a DB cluster snapshot
The DeleteDBCluster action deletes a previously provisioned DB cluster
Deletes automated backups using the DbiResourceId value of the source ...
Deletes a previously provisioned DB instance
Deletes a specified DB parameter group
Deletes a DBProxyEndpoint
Deletes an existing DB proxy
Deletes a DB security group
Deletes an Aurora Limitless Database DB shard group
Deletes a DB snapshot
Deletes a DB subnet group
Deletes an RDS event notification subscription
Deletes a global database cluster
Deletes a zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift
Deletes an existing option group
Deletes a tenant database from your DB instance
Remove the association between one or more DBProxyTarget data structur...
Lists all of the attributes for a customer account
Describes one or more blue/green deployments
Lists the set of certificate authority (CA) certificates provided by A...
Displays backups for both current and deleted DB clusters
Returns information about backtracks for a DB cluster
Returns information about endpoints for an Amazon Aurora DB cluster
Describes all available options for the specified engine
Returns a list of DBClusterParameterGroup descriptions
Returns the detailed parameter list for a particular DB cluster parame...
Returns a list of DB cluster snapshot attribute names and values for a...
Returns information about DB cluster snapshots
Describes existing Amazon Aurora DB clusters and Multi-AZ DB clusters
Describes the properties of specific versions of DB engines
Displays backups for both current and deleted instances
Describes provisioned RDS instances
Returns a list of DB log files for the DB instance
Returns a list of DBParameterGroup descriptions
Returns the detailed parameter list for a particular DB parameter grou...
Returns information about DB proxies
Returns information about DB proxy endpoints
Describes the available option groups
Returns information about DB proxy target groups, represented by DBPro...
Returns information about DBProxyTarget objects
Describes the recommendations to resolve the issues for your DB instan...
Returns a list of DBSecurityGroup descriptions
Describes existing Aurora Limitless Database DB shard groups
Returns a list of DB snapshot attribute names and values for a manual ...
Describes the tenant databases that exist in a DB snapshot
Returns information about DB snapshots
Returns a list of DBSubnetGroup descriptions
Describes the orderable DB instance options for a specified DB engine
Returns a list of resources (for example, DB instances) that have at l...
Returns the default engine and system parameter information for the cl...
Returns the default engine and system parameter information for the sp...
Displays a list of categories for all event source types, or, if speci...
Lists available reserved DB instance offerings
Lists all the subscription descriptions for a customer account
Returns events related to DB instances, DB clusters, DB parameter grou...
Returns information about a snapshot or cluster export to Amazon S3
Modifies the parameters of a DB cluster parameter group
Adds an attribute and values to, or removes an attribute and values fr...
Modifies the settings of an Amazon Aurora DB cluster or a Multi-AZ DB ...
Modifies settings for a DB instance
Modifies the parameters of a DB parameter group
Changes the settings for an existing DB proxy endpoint
Modifies the properties of a DBProxyTargetGroup
Changes the settings for an existing DB proxy
Updates the recommendation status and recommended action status for th...
Modifies the settings of an Aurora Limitless Database DB shard group
Adds an attribute and values to, or removes an attribute and values fr...
Updates a manual DB snapshot with a new engine version
Modifies an existing DB subnet group
Modifies an existing RDS event notification subscription
Modifies a setting for an Amazon Aurora global database cluster
Modifies a zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift
Modifies an existing option group
Modifies an existing tenant database in a DB instance
Promotes a read replica DB cluster to a standalone DB cluster
Promotes a read replica DB instance to a standalone DB instance
Purchases a reserved DB instance offering
You might need to reboot your DB cluster, usually for maintenance reas...
You might need to reboot your DB instance, usually for maintenance rea...
You might need to reboot your DB shard group, usually for maintenance ...
Associate one or more DBProxyTarget data structures with a DBProxyTarg...
Detaches an Aurora secondary cluster from an Aurora global database cl...
Removes the asssociation of an Amazon Web Services Identity and Access...
Disassociates an Amazon Web Services Identity and Access Management (I...
Removes a source identifier from an existing RDS event notification su...
Removes metadata tags from an Amazon RDS resource
Modifies the parameters of a DB cluster parameter group to the default...
Modifies the parameters of a DB parameter group to the engine/system d...
Creates an Amazon Aurora DB cluster from MySQL data stored in an Amazo...
Creates a new DB cluster from a DB snapshot or DB cluster snapshot
Restores a DB cluster to an arbitrary point in time
Creates a new DB instance from a DB snapshot
Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) supports importing MyS...
Restores a DB instance to an arbitrary point in time
Revokes ingress from a DBSecurityGroup for previously authorized IP ra...
Starts a database activity stream to monitor activity on the database
Starts an Amazon Aurora DB cluster that was stopped using the Amazon W...
Enables replication of automated backups to a different Amazon Web Ser...
Starts an Amazon RDS DB instance that was stopped using the Amazon Web...
Starts an export of DB snapshot or DB cluster data to Amazon S3
Stops a database activity stream that was started using the Amazon Web...
Stops an Amazon Aurora DB cluster
Stops automated backup replication for a DB instance
Stops an Amazon RDS DB instance
Switches over a blue/green deployment
Switches over the specified secondary DB cluster to be the new primary...
Switches over an Oracle standby database in an Oracle Data Guard envir...
Amazon Relational Database Service
Runs a batch SQL statement over an array of data
Starts a SQL transaction
Ends a SQL transaction started with the BeginTransaction operation and...
Runs one or more SQL statements
Runs a SQL statement against a database
Performs a rollback of a transaction
AWS RDS DataService
Exchanges a DC1 Reserved Node for a DC2 Reserved Node with no changes ...
Adds a partner integration to a cluster
From a datashare consumer account, associates a datashare with the acc...
Adds an inbound (ingress) rule to an Amazon Redshift security group
From a data producer account, authorizes the sharing of a datashare wi...
Grants access to a cluster
Authorizes the specified Amazon Web Services account to restore the sp...
Deletes a set of cluster snapshots
Modifies the settings for a set of cluster snapshots
Cancels a resize operation for a cluster
Copies the specified automated cluster snapshot to a new manual cluste...
Creates an authentication profile with the specified parameters
Creates an Amazon Redshift parameter group
Creates a new Amazon Redshift security group
Creates a manual snapshot of the specified cluster
Creates a new Amazon Redshift subnet group
Creates a new cluster with the specified parameters
Used to create a custom domain name for a cluster
Creates a Redshift-managed VPC endpoint
Creates an Amazon Redshift event notification subscription
Creates an HSM client certificate that an Amazon Redshift cluster will...
Creates an HSM configuration that contains the information required by...
Creates an Amazon Redshift application for use with IAM Identity Cente...
Creates a scheduled action
Creates a snapshot copy grant that permits Amazon Redshift to use an e...
Create a snapshot schedule that can be associated to a cluster and whi...
Adds tags to a cluster
Creates a usage limit for a specified Amazon Redshift feature on a clu...
From a datashare producer account, removes authorization from the spec...
Deletes an authentication profile
Deletes a specified Amazon Redshift parameter group
Deletes an Amazon Redshift security group
Deletes the specified manual snapshot
Deletes the specified cluster subnet group
Deletes a previously provisioned cluster without its final snapshot be...
Contains information about deleting a custom domain association for a ...
Deletes a Redshift-managed VPC endpoint
Deletes an Amazon Redshift event notification subscription
Deletes the specified HSM client certificate
Deletes the specified Amazon Redshift HSM configuration
Deletes a partner integration from a cluster
Deletes an Amazon Redshift IAM Identity Center application
Deletes the resource policy for a specified resource
Deletes a scheduled action
Deletes the specified snapshot copy grant
Deletes a snapshot schedule
Deletes tags from a resource
Deletes a usage limit from a cluster
Returns a list of attributes attached to an account
Describes an authentication profile
Returns an array of ClusterDbRevision objects
Returns a list of Amazon Redshift parameter groups, including paramete...
Returns a detailed list of parameters contained within the specified A...
Returns information about Amazon Redshift security groups
Returns one or more snapshot objects, which contain metadata about you...
Returns one or more cluster subnet group objects, which contain metada...
Returns a list of all the available maintenance tracks
Returns descriptions of the available Amazon Redshift cluster versions
Returns properties of provisioned clusters including general cluster p...
Contains information about custom domain associations for a cluster
Returns a list of datashares where the account identifier being called...
Returns a list of datashares when the account identifier being called ...
Shows the status of any inbound or outbound datashares available in th...
Returns a list of parameter settings for the specified parameter group...
Describes a Redshift-managed VPC endpoint
Describes an endpoint authorization
Displays a list of event categories for all event source types, or for...
Lists descriptions of all the Amazon Redshift event notification subsc...
Returns events related to clusters, security groups, snapshots, and pa...
Returns information about the specified HSM client certificate
Returns information about the specified Amazon Redshift HSM configurat...
Returns a list of inbound integrations
Describes whether information, such as queries and connection attempts...
Returns properties of possible node configurations such as node type, ...
Returns a list of orderable cluster options
Returns information about the partner integrations defined for a clust...
Lists the Amazon Redshift IAM Identity Center applications
Returns exchange status details and associated metadata for a reserved...
Returns a list of the available reserved node offerings by Amazon Reds...
Returns the descriptions of the reserved nodes
Returns information about the last resize operation for the specified ...
Describes properties of scheduled actions
Returns a list of snapshot copy grants owned by the Amazon Web Service...
Returns a list of snapshot schedules
Returns account level backups storage size and provisional storage
Lists the status of one or more table restore requests made using the ...
Returns a list of tags
Shows usage limits on a cluster
Stops logging information, such as queries and connection attempts, fo...
Disables the automatic copying of snapshots from one region to another...
From a datashare consumer account, remove association for the specifie...
Starts logging information, such as queries and connection attempts, f...
Enables the automatic copy of snapshots from one region to another reg...
Fails over the primary compute unit of the specified Multi-AZ cluster ...
Returns a database user name and temporary password with temporary aut...
Returns a database user name and temporary password with temporary aut...
Gets the configuration options for the reserved-node exchange
Returns an array of DC2 ReservedNodeOfferings that matches the payment...
Get the resource policy for a specified resource
List the Amazon Redshift Advisor recommendations for one or multiple A...
This operation is retired
Modifies an authentication profile
Modifies the database revision of a cluster
Modifies the list of Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles that c...
Modifies the maintenance settings of a cluster
Modifies the parameters of a parameter group
Modifies a snapshot schedule for a cluster
Modifies the settings for a snapshot
Modifies a cluster subnet group to include the specified list of VPC s...
Modifies the settings for a cluster
Contains information for changing a custom domain association
Modifies a Redshift-managed VPC endpoint
Modifies an existing Amazon Redshift event notification subscription
Changes an existing Amazon Redshift IAM Identity Center application
Modifies a scheduled action
Modifies the number of days to retain snapshots in the destination Ama...
Modifies a snapshot schedule
Modifies a usage limit in a cluster
Pauses a cluster
Allows you to purchase reserved nodes
Updates the resource policy for a specified resource
Reboots a cluster
From a datashare consumer account, rejects the specified datashare
Sets one or more parameters of the specified parameter group to their ...
Changes the size of the cluster
Creates a new cluster from a snapshot
Creates a new table from a table in an Amazon Redshift cluster snapsho...
Resumes a paused cluster
Revokes an ingress rule in an Amazon Redshift security group for a pre...
Revokes access to a cluster
Removes the ability of the specified Amazon Web Services account to re...
Rotates the encryption keys for a cluster
Updates the status of a partner integration
Amazon Redshift
Runs one or more SQL statements, which can be data manipulation langua...
Cancels a running query
Describes the details about a specific instance when a query was run b...
Describes the detailed information about a table from metadata in the ...
Runs an SQL statement, which can be data manipulation language (DML) o...
Fetches the temporarily cached result of an SQL statement
List the databases in a cluster
Lists the schemas in a database
List of SQL statements
List the tables in a database
Redshift Data API Service
Converts a recovery point to a snapshot
Creates a custom domain association for Amazon Redshift Serverless
Creates an Amazon Redshift Serverless managed VPC endpoint
Creates a namespace in Amazon Redshift Serverless
Creates a scheduled action
Creates a snapshot copy configuration that lets you copy snapshots to ...
Creates a snapshot of all databases in a namespace
Creates a usage limit for a specified Amazon Redshift Serverless usage...
Creates an workgroup in Amazon Redshift Serverless
Deletes a custom domain association for Amazon Redshift Serverless
Deletes an Amazon Redshift Serverless managed VPC endpoint
Deletes a namespace from Amazon Redshift Serverless
Deletes the specified resource policy
Deletes a scheduled action
Deletes a snapshot copy configuration
Deletes a snapshot from Amazon Redshift Serverless
Deletes a usage limit from Amazon Redshift Serverless
Deletes a workgroup
Returns a database user name and temporary password with temporary aut...
Gets information about a specific custom domain association
Returns information, such as the name, about a VPC endpoint
Returns information about a namespace in Amazon Redshift Serverless
Returns information about a recovery point
Returns a resource policy
Returns information about a scheduled action
Returns information about a specific snapshot
Returns information about a TableRestoreStatus object
Returns information about a usage limit
Returns information about a specific workgroup
Lists custom domain associations for Amazon Redshift Serverless
Returns an array of EndpointAccess objects and relevant information
Returns information about a list of specified namespaces
Returns an array of recovery points
Returns a list of scheduled actions
Returns a list of snapshot copy configurations
Returns a list of snapshots
Returns information about an array of TableRestoreStatus objects
Lists the tags assigned to a resource
Lists all usage limits within Amazon Redshift Serverless
Returns information about a list of specified workgroups
Creates or updates a resource policy
Restore the data from a recovery point
Restores a namespace from a snapshot
Restores a table from a recovery point to your Amazon Redshift Serverl...
Restores a table from a snapshot to your Amazon Redshift Serverless in...
Assigns one or more tags to a resource
Removes a tag or set of tags from a resource
Updates an Amazon Redshift Serverless certificate associated with a cu...
Updates an Amazon Redshift Serverless managed endpoint
Updates a namespace with the specified settings
Updates a scheduled action
Updates a snapshot copy configuration
Updates a snapshot
Update a usage limit in Amazon Redshift Serverless
Updates a workgroup with the specified configuration settings
Redshift Serverless
Objects exported from other packages
Performs multiple DeleteAttributes operations in a single call, which ...
The BatchPutAttributes operation creates or replaces attributes within...
The CreateDomain operation creates a new domain
Deletes one or more attributes associated with an item
The DeleteDomain operation deletes a domain
Returns information about the domain, including when the domain was cr...
Returns all of the attributes associated with the specified item
The ListDomains operation lists all domains associated with the Access...
The PutAttributes operation creates or replaces attributes in an item
The Select operation returns a set of attributes for ItemNames that ma...
Amazon SimpleDB
Cancels a query that has been issued
Create a scheduled query that will be run on your behalf at the config...
Deletes a given scheduled query
Describes the settings for your account that include the query pricing...
DescribeEndpoints returns a list of available endpoints to make Timest...
Provides detailed information about a scheduled query
You can use this API to run a scheduled query manually
Gets a list of all scheduled queries in the caller's Amazon account an...
List all tags on a Timestream query resource
A synchronous operation that allows you to submit a query with paramet...
Query is a synchronous operation that enables you to run a query again...
Associate a set of tags with a Timestream resource
Removes the association of tags from a Timestream query resource
Transitions your account to use TCUs for query pricing and modifies th...
Update a scheduled query
Amazon Timestream Query
Creates a new Timestream batch load task
Creates a new Timestream database
Adds a new table to an existing database in your account
Deletes a given Timestream database
Deletes a given Timestream table
Returns information about the batch load task, including configuration...
Returns information about the database, including the database name, t...
Returns a list of available endpoints to make Timestream API calls aga...
Returns information about the table, including the table name, databas...
Provides a list of batch load tasks, along with the name, status, when...
Returns a list of your Timestream databases
Provides a list of tables, along with the name, status, and retention ...
Lists all tags on a Timestream resource
Resume batch load task
Associates a set of tags with a Timestream resource
Removes the association of tags from a Timestream resource
Modifies the KMS key for an existing database
Modifies the retention duration of the memory store and magnetic store...
Enables you to write your time-series data into Timestream
Amazon Timestream Write
Interface to 'Amazon Web Services' database services, including 'Relational Database Service' ('RDS'), 'DynamoDB' 'NoSQL' database, and more <https://aws.amazon.com/>.