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Preprocessing Algorithms for Imbalanced Datasets
Volume under the ROC Surface for Multi-Class ROC Analysis
Estimation and Prediction of Parameters of Various Soil Hydraulic Prop...
Plots Survival Curves Element by Element
Draws Diagrams Useful for Checking Latent Scales
Randomization for Block Random Clinical Trials
Deploy 'heatmaply' using 'shiny'
Fits Regression & ARMA Models Subject to Constraints to the Coefficien...
Examples from Multilevel Modelling Software Review
Text Based Plots
Weighted k-Means Clustering
Various Methods to Estimate the AUC
Enumeration and Uniform Sampling of Transmission Trees for a Known Phy...
Pathway Enrichment Analysis Based on Bayesian Network
Graphical User Interface for the 'EventDetectR' Package
Various Methods for Measuring Agreement
Adjusted Relative Risk from Logistic Regression
Design of Discrete Choice and Conjoint Analysis
Enhancing Capabilities of 'plantecophys'
Network of Differential Equations
Miscellaneous Functions
Modelling and Simulating Judgments of Frequency
Generalized Additive Mixed Models using 'mgcv' and 'lme4'
Bayesian Infinite Factor Models
Sensitivity Analysis for Comparative Methods
Running OpenBUGS from R
Extract and Visualize the Results of Multivariate Data Analyses
Analyzing Real-Time Quantitative PCR Data
Water Cloud Model (WCM) for the Simulation of Leaf Area Index (LAI) an...
Bayesian Hierarchical Poisson Models for Multiple Grouped Outcomes wit...
Estimations for the Covariance of Estimated Parameters in Joint Mean-C...
House Price Indexes
List Balancing for Reweighting and Population Synthesis
Bivariate Residual Plots with Simulation Polygons
Compute Effect Sizes
Improved q-Values for Discrete Uniform and Homogeneous Tests
Zero Inflated Poisson Factor Analysis
Animate Shiny and R Markdown Content when it Comes into View
Robust Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Spatial Error Model
Bernstein Polynomial Based Semiparametric Survival Analysis
Mixed Effect Model with the Box-Cox Transformation
Impressionism's Color Palettes
N-Gram Analysis of Biological Sequences
Feature-Based Landscape Analysis of Continuous and Constrained Optimiz...
Approximately Optimal Fine Balance Matching with Multiple Groups
Subtracting Summary Statistics of One or more Cohorts from Meta-GWAS R...
Simple Tabulation Made Simple
Easy Calculation and Visualisation of Confidence Intervals