Acoustic Telemetry Data Analysis
Deprecated functions in package actel
actel: Acoustic Telemetry Data Analysis
Calculate beta estimations for efficiency
Append to ...
Combine the individual CJS's of each array into a single table
Assembles CJS tables for all groups
Assemble detection matrices
Create status.df
Collect summary information for the residency analysis
Create section.overview
Assembles CJS tables for all group x release site combinations
Create the timetable
Wrapper for simplifyMovements
Wrapper for sectionMovements
Find which arrays to blame for a jump in movement events
Create a Blank Workspace
Break the detection matrices per array
check.R arguments
Check argument quality
Confirm that the station names in the deployments table match those li...
Confirm that receivers were not re-deployed before being retrieved
Check if there are detections for the target tags before release.
Check if there are duplicated detection in the input data
Check if there are duplicated signals in the detected tags.
Check for movements upstream of the release site.
Check if the dependencies required to open a GUI are installed, and if...
Find out if a tag moved in an impossible direction
Find if a tag is standing still in an array
warn users if they are about to run into an unfixed bug.
Check if tags are jumping over arrays
Check that the tag linearly moved along the sections
Check the number of detections (total and per event) of a given tag. W...
Check if there are detections matching the target tags.
Check report compatibility
Verify number of detections in section movements
check tag speeds against defined thresholds (in m/s)
Check for target data in the unknown receivers
Verify that the source data has been compiled using actel's preload fu...
Find detections from unknown receivers
Draw a section on the outside of the circle
CJS.R arguments
Collect summary information on the tags detected but that are not part...
Combine a list of vectors
Combine multiple CJS models
Combine ALS detections
Complete a Distances Matrix
Convert code spaces
Convert Times
Find and list arrays which failed during the movements of the tags
Count backwards movements
collapse event indexes into ranges
Upon invalidating detections, recombines the remaining valid detection...
Standardize serial numbers, stations and arrays in the detections
Include the deployment in the serial number of the receive
Deprecated function.
darken colours
Import RData in a list format
Convert hh:mm:ss time to hh.hhh
Delete temporary files
Detections Widget (Single table version)
Detections Widget (Tabbed version)
Discard early detections
Calculate Distances Matrix
Break the dot data frame into a list
Create numerical distances between dot elements
Find arrays valid for efficiency calculation
Calculate estimated last-array efficiency
Compile detection matrix for last array
Compile inter-array detection matrix
Standard procedure when aborting
Create a Template Distances Matrix
Event Widget (Single table version)
Event Widget (Tabbed version)
Example biometric data
Example deployment data
Example detection data
Example distances matrix
Example spatial data
Deploy Example Data
Collect summary information on the tags detected but that are not part...
Handler for event expansion
Explorative Analysis
Extract Code Spaces from transmitter names
Extract signals from transmitter names
nearsq helper
Find all arrays linked to an array in a given direction
Find efficiency peers for each array
Calculate number of seconds at each location per day
Find the shortest paths between arrays
Determine if the first array after release has failed
Prepare intra-array matrices for selected arrays
Assemble residency tables per tag
Extract speeds from the analysis results.
Extract timestamps from the analysis results.
Generate default ggplot colours
Calculate number/percentage of tags at each location for each day
Opens a new window that allows the user to determine movement event in...
Opens a new window that allows the user to determine detection invalid...
Group movements
Incorporate intra-array estimates in the overall CJS object
Include tags that were never detected
Temporarily include missing receivers in the spatial object
Allow the user to determine a given set of detections invalid
Allow the user to determine a given movement event invalid
Assign live times to arrays
Load Biometrics file
Load deployments file and Check the structure
Load ALS detections
Load distances matrix
Load Spatial File
Load, structure and check the inputs
cleanly extract lowest signal from signals string
Match POSIX values
TRUE/FALSE wrapper for match
Calculate CJS for each group for each array
Calculate CJS for each group.release combination
Migration Analysis
Convert numeric time to HH:MM
movements.R arguments
Calculate time and speed
Calculate movement times
Edited rose diagram function
Consider NA's as FALSE
Find optimum plotting grid
Trim movements table to contain only uni-directional movements
Skips all validity checks for a tag and allows the user to freely inva...
Plot simultaneous/cumulative presences at a give array or set of array...
Plot detections for a single tag
Plot array live times
Plot moves for one ore more tags
Plot global/group residency
Plot residency for a single tag
Plot sensor data for a single tag
Print circular graphics for time series.
Load a dataset before running an analysis
Run quality checks on preloaded detections
print Rmd fragment for inclusion in the report
Print biometric graphics
Print circular graphics for each array
Print DOT diagram
Print dotplots
Print efficiency fragment
Print Rmd report
print the distribution of tags per location
print the individual locations per day
Print individual graphics
Print a simple barplot with the number of tags last seen at each secti...
Print a simple barplot with the number of tags last seen at each secti...
Print Rmd report
Print progression diagram
Print Rmd report
Print arrival and departure times per section
Print sensor data for each individual tag
Print survival graphic
Standard detections file created for actel
Thelma new export files
Thelma old export files
Vemco files
Read dot file or string
Recover latest actel crash log
Create status.df
Calculate array efficiency for residency analysis
Residency Analysis
Find the location where the tag spent most time per day
calculate residency ratios per tag
compile output of dailyRatios
Draw rings at relative points
Draw mean value in the axis margin
Compress array-movements into section-movements
Create Standard Names for spatial elements
Load shapefile and convert to a raster object.
Analytical CJS model
Removes invalid events
Calculate time and speed since release.
Split detections by tag
Split a dataframe every nth row
Split signals from multi-signal input
Find original station name
Calculate the standard error of the mean for circular data
stop function but paste error to the report too
Store summary information on the stray tags detected in a permanent fi...
Subset a character string counting from the right end
Handler for table interaction events
Convert a data frame with timestamps into a list of circular objects
Transfer validity updates from valid movements to all movements
Process spatial elements
Calculate Transition Layer
update array-movement validity based on the section-movements
user_interaction.R arguments
Wrap frequently used code to handle user input
Compare original detections with the valid movements and exclude inval...
Transform vectors into data frames with specific columns
widget_setups.R arguments
Designed for studies where animals tagged with acoustic tags are expected to move through receiver arrays. This package combines the advantages of automatic sorting and checking of animal movements with the possibility for user intervention on tags that deviate from expected behaviour. The three analysis functions (explore(), migration() and residency()) allow the users to analyse their data in a systematic way, making it easy to compare results from different studies. CJS calculations are based on Perry et al. (2012) <>.
Useful links