Radiocarbon Dating, Age-Depth Modelling, Relative Sea Level Rate Estim...
Evolving Earth System Variables
Effects of Changing Deposition Rates
Simulating Community Assembly and Ecological Diversification Using Eco...
Palaeoecological and Palaeogeographical Analysis Tools
Shiny Application for 'FossilSim'
Computation and Visualization of Adaptive Landscapes
Age-Depth Modelling using Bayesian Statistics
Simulating Assemblage Models of Abundance for the Fossil Record
Statistical Toolbox for Sedimentary Provenance Analysis
Integrated Stratigraphy
Simulation of Sediment Archived Climate Proxy Records
Tidy Tools for Paleoenvironmental Archives
Sepkoski's Fossil Marine Animal Genera Compendium
Stratigraphic Data Analysis
Datasets for Teaching Archaeology and Paleontology
Spatial Subsampling of Biodiversity Occurrence Data
Automated Cleaning of Occurrence Records from Biological Collections
Tools for Stable Isotope Geochemistry
Analogue and Weighted Averaging Methods for Palaeoecology
Download and Process Data from the Paleobiology Database
Download Paleoclimate Data from 'PaleoClim'
Simulation and Plots for Fossil and Taxonomy Data
Analyses of Evolutionary Time-Series
Manipulate Time Series of Climate Reconstructions
Analyze Paleontological Time-Series
Classical Age-Depth Modelling of Cores from Deposits
A Computational Tool for Astrochronology
Stratigraphic Tree Analysis for Palaeontology
Analysis of Quaternary Science Data
Interface to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility API
Topographic and Geologic Mapping
Paleontological and Phylogenetic Analyses of Evolution
Automated Cleaning of Fossil Occurrence Data
Simulating Diversification Dynamics
Prepare and Explore Data for Palaeobiological Analyses
Fetch Geologic Data from the 'Macrostrat' Platform
Plotting Tools for Anyone Working in Deep Time
R Interface for the GPlates Web Service and Desktop Application
Interface to the iDigBio Data API
Working with the Neotoma Paleoecology Database
Phylogenetic Ridge Regression Methods for Comparative Studies
Stratigraphic Paleobiology Modeling Pipelines
Estimate and Manipulate Age-Depth Models
Get Silhouettes of Organisms from PhyloPic
Diversity Dynamics using Fossil Sampling Data
PaleoPhyloGeographic Modeling of Climate Niches and Species Distributi...