wishmom1.1.0 package

Compute Moments Related to Beta-Wishart and Inverse Beta-Wishart Distributions

Provides functions for computing moments and coefficients related to the Beta-Wishart and Inverse Beta-Wishart distributions. It includes functions for calculating the expectation of matrix-valued functions of the Beta-Wishart distribution, coefficient matrices C_k and H_k, expectation of matrix-valued functions of the inverse Beta-Wishart distribution, and coefficient matrices \tilde{C}_k and \tilde{H}_k. For more details, refer Hillier and Kan (2024) <https://www-2.rotman.utoronto.ca/~kan/papers/wishmom.pdf>, "On the Expectations of Equivariant Matrix-valued Functions of Wishart and Inverse Wishart Matrices".

  • Maintainer: Raymond Kan
  • License: MIT + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2024-08-27