Statistical Experiments on Batch Computing Clusters
Batch Computing with R
Amdahl's Profiler, Directed Optimization Made Easy
Tools for Computation on Batch Systems
Batching Routines in Parallel and Passing Command-Line Arguments to R
Manage Massive Matrices with Shared Memory and Memory-Mapped Files
Enhancing the 'parallel' Package
'foreach' Parallel Adapter for 'parabar' Backends
Data Cloning and MCMC Tools for Maximum Likelihood Methods
Use Foreach to Parallelize via the Future Framework
Foreach Parallel Adaptor for 'parallel'
Foreach Parallel Adaptor for the Rmpi Package
Generic Reproducible Parallel Backend for 'foreach' Loops
Foreach Parallel Adaptor for the 'snow' Package
'FlexiBLAS' API Interface
Provides Foreach Looping Construct
A Future API for Parallel and Distributed Processing using 'batchtools...
A Future API for Parallel Processing using 'callr'
R Interface for the 'H2O' Scalable Machine Learning Platform
Graphical User Interface for Rprof()
Functions to Inline C, C++, Fortran Function Calls from R
R Interface to 'Keras'
Fast Access to Large ASCII Files
Latent Position and Cluster Models for Statistical Networks
Multivariate and Propensity Score Matching with Balance Optimization
Fast Multivariate Normal and Student's t Methods
Apply Mapping Functions in Parallel using Futures
Interface allowing R to use OpenCL
Operations Research LOCational Analysis Models
Progress Bar for Parallel Tasks
Parallel Simulation Studies
Adding Progress Bar to '*apply' Functions
R Interface to 'TensorFlow'
Low-Level R to Java Interface
Extensible, Parallelizable Implementation of the Random Forest Algorit...
R Version of GENetic Optimization Using Derivatives
Interface (Wrapper) to MPI (Message-Passing Interface)
Memory-Efficient Storage of Large Data on Disk and Fast Access Functio...
R Interface to RNG with Multiple Streams
Easier Cluster Computing (Based on 'snow')
Bayesian Structure Learning in Graphical Models using Birth-Death MCMC
Fault Tolerant Simple Network of Workstations
R Interface to MPI for HPC Clusters (Programming with Big Data Project...
Submit R Calculations to a 'Slurm' Cluster
Control the Number of Threads on 'BLAS'
Bayesian Graph Structure Learning using Spike-and-Slab Priors
Streams of Random Numbers
NNG (Nanomsg Next Gen) Lightweight Messaging Library
Read, Manipulate, and Write Profiler Data
Simple Network of Workstations
Parallel Pseudo Random Number Generator (PPRNG) 'sitmo' Header Files
Running Commands Remotely on 'Gridengine' Clusters
Interface to 'TensorFlow' Estimators
Simple Memory Profiling for R
Hierarchical Clustering with P-Values via Multiscale Bootstrap Resampl...
Variable Selection using Random Forests
Manipulate R Data Frames Using SQL
Basic Linear Algebra with GPU
Statistical Tools for Filebacked Big Matrices
Larger-than-RAM Disk-Based Data Manipulation Framework
R Interface to the 'Protocol Buffers' 'API' (Version 2 or 3)
Interactive Visualizations for Profiling R Code
Simulation of Diffusion Processes
Interface to 'Python'
Parallelised Estimation of Prediction Error
C++ Classes to Embed R in C++ (and C) Applications
Connect MonetDB to R
Profile Output Processing Tools for R
Bounded Memory Linear and Generalized Linear Models
Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models in Population PK/PD
Fast Pseudo Random Number Generators
A Pipeline Toolkit for Reproducible Computation at Scale
Fast Unified Random Forests for Survival, Regression, and Classificati...
Bayesian Network Structure Learning, Parameter Learning and Inference
Minimalist Async Evaluation Framework for R
A Distributed Worker Launcher Framework
Extreme Gradient Boosting
Unified Parallel and Distributed Processing in R for Everyone
Text Mining Package
Partial Least Squares and Principal Component Regression
Integration to 'Apache' 'Arrow'
Evaluate Function Calls on HPC Schedulers (LSF, SGE, SLURM, PBS/Torque...
Parallel Programming Tools for 'Rcpp'
Interact with 'Condor' from R via SSH
Apply Function to Elements in Parallel using Futures
'GPU'/CPU Benchmarking in Debian-Based Systems
Classification and Regression Training
Seamless R and C++ Integration
Profile R Code and Visualize with 'Pprof'
Dynamic Function-Oriented 'Make'-Like Declarative Pipelines
Facilities for Simulating from ODE-Based Models