Extract 'REDCap' Databases into Tidy 'Tibble's
Supplement a supertibble from a longitudinal database with information...
Add labelled features to write_redcap_xlsx
Add the metadata sheet
Supplement a supertibble with additional metadata fields
Add partial key helper variables to dataframes
Add skimr metrics to a supertibble's metadata
Add the supertbl table of contents sheet
Apply factor labels to a vector
Apply haven value labels to a vector
Add supertbl S3 class
Bind supertbl metadata
Extract data tibbles from a REDCapTidieR supertibble and bind them to ...
Utility function to calculate summary for each tibble in a supertibble
Check requested data argument exists in REDCap data
Check equal distinct values between two columns
Check data field for field values not in metadata
Parse logical field and compile data for warning if parsing errors occ...
Check fields are of checkbox field type
Check fields exist for checkbox combination
Check if file already exists
Check that all requested instruments are in REDCap project metadata
Check if labelled
Check metadata fields exist for checkbox combination
Check that parsed labels are not duplicated
Check that a supplied REDCap database is populated
Check for instruments that have both repeating and non-repeating struc...
Check that all metadata tibbles within a supertibble contain `field_na...
Check for possible API user privilege issues
Check an argument with checkmate
Extract longitudinal REDCap databases into tidy tibbles
Extract non-longitudinal REDCap databases into tidy tibbles
Combine checkbox fields with respect to repaired outputs
Combine Checkbox Fields into a Single Column
Convert a new checkbox column's values
Convert Mixed Structure Instruments to Repeating Instruments
Utility function to convert redcap repeat instance columns into approp...
Check whether a REDCap database has repeat forms
Extract non-repeat tables from longitudinal REDCap databases
Extract non-repeat tables from non-longitudinal REDCap databases
Extract repeat tables from longitudinal REDCap databases
Extract repeat tables from non-longitudinal REDCap databases
Extract a specific metadata tibble from a supertibble
Extract a single data tibble from a REDCapTidieR supertibble
Extract data tibbles from a REDCapTidieR supertibble into a list
Format value for error message
Format REDCap variable labels
Determine fields included in REDCapR::redcap_read_oneshot
output tha...
Get metadata specification table
Get Mixed Structure Instrument List
Utility function to extract the name of the project identifier field f...
Add identification for repeat event types
Swap vector names for values
Determine if an object is labelled
Link longitudinal REDCap instruments with their events/arms
Apply variable labels to a REDCapTidieR supertibble
Make skimr labels from default skimr outputs
Update multiple choice fields with label data
Parse labels from REDCap metadata into usable formats
Convert yesno, truefalse, and checkbox fields to logical
Import a REDCap database into a tidy supertibble
REDCapTidieR: Extract 'REDCap' Databases into Tidy 'Tibble's
Additional release questions
Remove rows with empty data
Replace checkbox TRUEs with raw_or_label values
Convert user input into label formatting function
Safely set variable labels
Apply applicable skimmers to data
Remove html tags and field embedding logic from a string
Recode fields using supertbl metadata
Provide a succinct summary of an object
Make a REDCapR
API call with custom error handling
Implement REDCapR DAG Data into Supertibble
Correctly label variables belonging to checkboxes with minus signs
Update metadata field names for checkbox handling
Vector type as a string
Write Supertibbles to XLSX
Convert 'REDCap' exports into tidy tables for easy handling of 'REDCap' repeat instruments and event arms.
Useful links