Escalation with Overdose Control
Accuracy Index
Average Toxicity Number
Plot the DLT curve based on the EWOC classical model
Plot the DLT curve based on the EWOC extended model
Plot the DLT curve based on the EWOC proportional hazards model
Evaluation of the DLT rate
Escalation With Overdose Control
Escalation With Overdose Control
Escalation With Overdose Control
EWOC simulation
Inverse standardization of the dose
Bias of the MTD estimates
Mean Square Error of the MTD estimates
Convert mtd to rho_1 and vice-versa
Operating characteristics for EWOC simulations
Percent of doses in relation the optimal MTD interval
Percent of doses in relation the optimal toxicity interval
Generating a probability of DLT function based on the EWOC classical m...
Generating a probability of DLT function based on the EWOC extended mo...
Generating a probability of DLT function based on the EWOC Proportiona...
Generating a binary response function based on the EWOC classical mode...
Generating a binary response function based on the EWOC extended model
Generating a response function based on the EWOC Proportional Hazards ...
Standardization of the dose
Evaluation of the stopping rule
Generating a stop rule function for EWOC classical model
Generating a stop rule function for EWOC extended model
Generating a stop rule function for EWOC proportional hazards model
An implementation of a variety of escalation with overdose control designs introduced by Babb, Rogatko and Zacks (1998) <doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0258(19980530)17:10%3C1103::AID-SIM793%3E3.0.CO;2-9>. It calculates the next dose as a clinical trial proceeds and performs simulations to obtain operating characteristics.