Functions from "Reinsurance: Actuarial and Statistical Aspects"
The Burr distribution
EPD estimator for right censored data
Exponential quantile plot for right censored data
Generalised Hill estimator for right censored data
GPD-ML estimator for right censored data
Hill estimator for right censored data
Log-normal quantile plot for right censored data
MOM estimator for right censored data
Pareto quantile plot for right censored data
Estimator of small exceedance probabilities and large return periods u...
Estimator of small exceedance probabilities and large return periods u...
Estimator of small exceedance probabilities and large return periods u...
Estimator of small exceedance probabilities and large return periods u...
Estimator of small exceedance probabilities and large return periods u...
Estimator of large quantiles using censored Hill
Estimator of large quantiles using censored Hill
Estimator of large quantiles using censored GPD-MLE
Estimator of large quantiles using censored MOM
Hill-type estimator for the conditional EVI
Conditional Pareto quantile plot for right censored data
Non-parametric estimator of conditional survival function
Conditional Tail Expectation
Weibull quantile plot for right censored data
EPD estimator
Fit EPD using MLE
The Extended Pareto Distribution
EVT fit
Estimates for excess-loss premiums using EPD estimates
Estimates for excess-loss premiums using GPD-MLE estimates
Estimates for excess-loss premiums using a Pareto model
Estimates for excess-loss premiums using splicing
Exponential quantile plot
The Frechet distribution
Generalised Hill estimator
Generalised quantile plot
The generalised Pareto distribution
Fit GPD using MLE
GPD-ML estimator
GPD residual plot
Select optimal threshold for Hill estimator
Hill estimator
Bias-reduced MLE (Quantile view)
Hill estimator for interval censored data
Pareto quantile plot for interval censored data
Kaplan-Meier estimator
Derivative plot of the log-normal QQ-plot
Log-normal quantile plot
Least Squares tail estimator
Mean excess function using Turnbull estimator
Mean excess function
Mixed Erlang fit
Moment estimator
The Pareto distribution
Derivative plot of the Pareto QQ-plot
Pareto quantile plot
Classical estimators for the CDF
Edgeworth approximation
Gram-Charlier approximation
Weissman estimator of small exceedance probabilities and large return ...
Estimator of small exceedance probabilities and large return periods u...
Estimator of small exceedance probabilities and large return periods u...
Estimator of small exceedance probabilities and large return periods u...
Estimator of small exceedance probabilities and large return periods u...
Estimator of small tail probability in regression
Weissman estimator of extreme quantiles
Second order refined Weissman estimator of extreme quantiles (QV)
Estimator of extreme quantiles using generalised Hill
Estimator of extreme quantiles using GPD-MLE
Estimator of extreme quantiles using MOM
Estimator of extreme quantiles in regression
Bias-reduced scale estimator using second order Hill estimator
Scale estimator
Bias-reduced scale estimator using EPD estimator
Scale estimator in regression
Spliced distribution
Plot of fitted and empirical survival function
Splicing fit
Splicing of mixed Erlang and GPD using POT-MLE
Splicing of mixed Erlang and Pareto for interval censored data
Splicing of mixed Erlang and Pareto
LL-plot with fitted and Turnbull survival function
LL-plot with fitted and empirical survival function
PP-plot with fitted and Turnbull survival function
PP-plot with fitted and empirical survival function
Splicing quantile plot using Turnbull estimator
Splicing quantile plot
Plot of fitted and Turnbull survival function
Non-parametric estimators of the STDF
The truncated Burr distribution
The truncated exponential distribution
The truncated Frechet distribution
The truncated generalised Pareto distribution
The truncated log-normal distribution
The truncated Pareto distribution
Truncation odds
Truncation odds
Estimator of endpoint
Estimator of endpoint
Hill estimator for upper truncated data
MLE estimator for upper truncated data
Truncated Pareto quantile plot
Estimator of small exceedance probabilities using truncated Hill
Estimator of small exceedance probabilities using truncated MLE
Estimator of large quantiles using truncated Hill
Estimator of large quantiles using truncated MLE
Test for truncated Pareto-type tails
Test for truncated GPD tails
Turnbull estimator
The truncated Weibull distribution
VaR of splicing fit
Derivative plot of the Weibull QQ-plot
Weibull quantile plot
Functions from the book "Reinsurance: Actuarial and Statistical Aspects" (2017) by Hansjoerg Albrecher, Jan Beirlant and Jef Teugels <>.